first of all, i am so honored to be still in the mix!
woo hoo!
round two has now begun.please vote again for this little blog
so that it can stay in the running!
(just click on the icon above and vote on the right side of the page)
a little while ago, B and i got to go on an incredible adventure.
without any children.
i know.
it was nearly a vacation.
i felt like i was on a trip.
it was that great.
we found ourselves out on the open sea
with the best skipper in town
(Uncle J)
and his lovely first mate
(Auntie B).
nothing was going to stop us.
B was even armed with a motion sickness bracelet.
we were taught all about
the furl,
the helm,
rigs and
and i am still not sure if i could use any of those terms correctly,
but i do know that this is called a winch,
and it is not to be confused with a wench.
let's be honest here, remember when i said it was like being on vacation?
well, that tells you how much work i really did.
a rare shot of just B and me.
and don't we look so relaxed?
we were.
just like Beth Moore prays to see God's creation,
Auntie B prayed that we would see dolphins.
and guess what?
we sure did!
it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

they were just cruising right next to our boat!
these three guys hung around for a long while.
it didn't lessen how incredible it was.
not one bit.
B even tried to have one touch his foot.
it came within a couple of inches.
Auntie B, me and a little friend on the right.
and then there were tons.
this was my first time sailing.
and i now love sailing.
my handsome beau.
the sail!

our skipper in action.
being the skipper is serious business.
i was really nervous to be at the helm.
(see, am i using that term correctly?)
not sure.
Auntie B took great care of us.
one of my new favorite photos of him.
he never likes to have his photo taken.
i'm so glad that the children don't feel the same way.
the setting sun.
our view coming back into the harbor.
we had such a lovely time.
such a lovely time.
B and i also got to experience the green flash at sunset.
501. dolphins
502. dear friends
503. pretend vacations
504. wind
505. witnessing the sunset