
after a very scary nine-day stay in the hospital 
for our sweet little L 
where he stopped breathing twice,
slept in the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit), 
had an IV put in his head and 
got released on Christmas morning, 2009:

we decided to hibernate.

L suffered from a respiratory infection called RSV which his big sis K so lovingly gave him. 

because of his age and medical conditions, he is at a higher risk of having complications
from viruses such as RSV. we are grateful that this hospital stay ended after just nine days
and that he was not put on a ventilator (which could have been necessary).

even though the docs said that all i could do to protect my baby from RSV is do what i had been doing -- incessantly washing our hands and using antibacterial gel when we're out -- i knew i could do more.

there were not any playdates, sunday school, bible class or birthday parties for our kids for two months. the goal was to keep our kids away from other kids until we get through most of the flu season. the good news is that since we have three kids it was certainly not a boring two months, 

we were just home
a. lot.
for two whole months.

the kids didn't know the plan and i never told it to them but i hoped that this adventure was so fun that they didn't realize what they're missing (which they didn't). 

that put pressure on me to make that time extra fun. 
i love a good challenge.

the rules:
1. mom was allowed to leave the house to run errands or socialize
2. D + K were allowed to run errands with mom, if necessary
3. L was definitely not allowed to run errands
4. adults were able to come over to socialize, but not children
5. we could go on outings like parks and other outdoor places just as long as they were vacant

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