Thursday, September 29, 2011

game night.

last, last weekend,
all three of my siblings
and their "friends" 
(as my dad would call them)
were under one roof.
it was monumental.

so we all joined in and played a rousing game of trivial pursuit.
my parents actually have four trivial pursuits, 

and all are pre-1981.

this rad photo was taken by B
who perfectly captured my sister 
being completely offended 
that her answer was not correct.

B and i thought that since we were the eldest 
that we would have the advantage.
but my sister, Aunt WW, and her boyfriend came from behind to take the title.

here's Aunt CC and her husband dealing with the loss.

but that was after we tried convincing my brother's girlfriend 
that while she was on the phone 
he nearly won the game.
she didn't believe it for even a second.

and while my brother didn't even come close to winning the game,
he certainly won for having the funniest answers .
he is hilarious.
really, truly.

1496. game nights
1497. doing crafts with K
1498. a new (hopeful) OT
1499. going to bed early
1500. chocolate covered popcorn

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

picture me {im}perfectly.bossy

if you know me, 
you know that i tend to be bossy.
quite bossy.

i'm the oldest of four children, 
so i think it comes naturally to me.
in every circumstance but one.

when i take photos of people 
other than my children
i tend to be the exact opposite of bossy.
i become laissez fair.
i know. 
do you even believe it?
hardly, i bet.

but having that mellow attitude 
isn't really good for me 
when i am taking photos.

i know that being bossy isn't the best thing.
but it really does come in handy,
and for me, it's when i am taking photos
of people other than my children.

for instance, 
my sister and her husband came for a visit 
and brought along my little nephew, baby E. 
so of course, we had to schedule a beach shoot for them.

and my bossyness just came out naturally. 
typically, when i take photos of those besides my children
i feel very anxious and intimidated
but not with my sister!
just ask her.

i was as bossy as bossy can be.

but it worked because i think she's used to it.
and you know what? 
she responded really well to it. 
and i think her husband 
just rolled his eyes and went along with it. 

but in real life, 
i do tend to be too bossy.

so be sure to picture me {im}perfectly.

how cute is this shot?
so cute.

i had such an awesome time 
shooting them.

and i can't wait until they come and visit
so we can do it again.

this was the very first time i got to meet 
sweet little E.

and i soaked up every little moment i could 
with that darling baby boy. 

head over to erin's blog
where she reveals her {im}perfect mothering 
when it comes to her kids' nap schedules.

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don't have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
until next wednesday
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

1491. seven minutes to catch up
1492. really, really loud music in the car
1493. wonderful talks about Jesus
1494. seeing and hearing what He is doing in others' lives
1495. hot dogs for dinner

picture me {im}perfectly

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the exhibition.

if you remember,
i recently posted about a new little project
i was working on.
well, here's the full scoop...

last spring,
the university i attended
emailed all of the alumni from the school
asking for art submissions to
be displayed in a special alumni exhibition this fall.
i submitted three photographs, 
and they picked one of them!
and it's on display until the end of november.

to be considered, i had to submit 
an artist's statement 
(thank you, google for explaining what that was to me), 
a brief bio and 
a resume 
(mine hadn't been updated since 2004).

i felt so overwhelmed and out of the real world loop
that i almost didn't turn in my entries.
but, thanks to my husband's encouragement 
(and for giving me 10 minutes away from the children 
to get all of the papers in order) 
i did.
and i am so very happy that i did. 
it was really special for me to have a photograph on display.
a photograph where i captured 
a fleeting little moment of my child.

it is called:
playing in the dirt.

and she was as happy as can be 
to have a photo of her in an art gallery. 

and he was as happy as can be 
because that's just who he is.

the fam and 
the photo.

the bigs and me.

and the lovely flowers from Auntie B.

And why do you worry about clothes? 
See how the lilies of the field grow. 
They do not labor or spin. 
Yet I tell you that not even Solomon 
in all his splendor 
was dressed like one of these.
Matthew 6:28-29

1486. the cheerfulness of sunflowers
1487. the perfect afternoon at the beach
1488. meeting up with a whole group of great girls
1489. extra little people in our house
1490. a husband who cheerfully bathes the bigs

Monday, September 26, 2011

austin.part three

here is the third, 
and final part 
of our fabulous trip to austin. 

B wrote an incredible political novel  
which comes out in may 
from thomas dunne books/st. martin's press
(don't you worry, i'll be sure to give you 
the full rundown when the time comes).
a good chunk of the book takes place 
in and around the texas capitol
so a guided tour was a must. 

i will spare you from having to see 
the hundreds and hundreds of photos i took there
(because i am a good little research assistant, of course).
but i'll show you a few of my favorites.

here's B in the house chamber
(we got special permission to enter 
the roped off area and go up on the dais).

a well-worn staircase.

it was so unbelievably hot there.
it really was. 
i just couldn't get over the heat.

so after that,
we did what any good tourist does.
we went to chik-fil-a.

and then we headed out of town 
to a swimmin' hole.

it was like nothing i had ever seen before.
and there were a total of six other people there.

B was super adventurous
but i am a bit of a wimp 
when it comes to stuff like this.
i got all the way to my knees.
but then i got spooked by the turtles and fish 
i was convinced would try to eat me.
i know that my sister, Aunt WW 
would have jumped in without a second thought.
but that is not me. 
not at all.

the best part, though is that 
B knows that this is who i am 
and he loves me just the same.
because seriously, those animals 
were totally going to try to eat me. 
i just know it. 

so while huck finn swam around,
i hid behind my camera and captured it.

he even jumped off the rope swing. 
and just think,
if i had been swimming around, 
we wouldn't have these photos.

the air was about 109 degrees
and the water was a crisp 70 degrees. 

the tree trunks just went right into the water

and this little waterfall had a little cave behind it.
which B told me about
when he went swimming under the fall.

the water with the clouds in the sky.

we headed straight to the airport after that 
and it feels like we haven't stopped since.

To the LORD your God belong the heavens, 
even the highest heavens, 
the earth and everything in it
Deuteronomy 10:14

1481. an unexpected adventure with the bigs
1482.a fabulous visitor
1483. so much help with dinner
1484. quickly defrosted chicken
1485. a wild weekend

Friday, September 23, 2011

austin.part two

(click here for part one)

even though we didn't set one alarm,
B and i both woke up promptly 
at the exact time our children would have been waking.
in another state.

we headed to brunch with two other couples
and then saw the city of austin.

we visited a popular coffee spot

and just sat.
yeah, that was weird.

we were greeted by this friendly turtle

and B enjoyed a nice cold cream soda
while i had my coffee fix.

we then headed back to the hotel for a quick swim

and then got ready for the big event
(the wedding).

it was beautiful
and heartfelt and
the minister was the bride's brother.
i know, how special was that.
so special. 

the bride and groom were equally laid back.
which was hard for me to handle 
since i am 100% type a.
like i needed to tell you that.

the location of the reception was incredible.
it used be an old church in a small town in the center of texas
and the building was moved to austin in the late 90s.

it was light and bright and just perfect for a party.

we had a lovely time at the reception.

B and R.
also known as "two of the three pranksters."

the other prankster and his lovely wife.

the bridesmaids all had different dresses on.
and even though that maid of honor 
probably would have helped our prankster husbands, 
she couldn't because she wasn't allowed any essential information 
 like the whereabouts of the bride and grooms bags, either. 

all eight of us.

us wives.

pretty soon, it was time 
for the bride and groom to leave the party.
(isn't her dress just adorable?)

they were sent off in a sea of bubbles,
and that was that.

the day ended with a beautiful sunset, 
filled with streams of clouds.

and i have decided that austin is just about 
as beautiful at night as it is during the day. 

No one will be able to stand up against you 
all the days of your life. 
As I was with Moses, 
so I will be with you; 
I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Joshua 1:5

1476. being almost on time
1477. getting to pick K up from school
1478. more artwork than i know what to do with
1479. new little friends
1480. truth spoken into my life at CBS

part three will be next week!
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