someone sweet that i know
emailed me last week
because it bothers her
when i talk about my imperfections
on my blog.
which is all fine and dandy
but i know that she doesn't blog hop.
and she doesn't see
perfect life after perfect life
being cultivated and broadcast over the internet.
when i read those perfect life blogs,
i immediately compare my life to theirs.
and then i feel like my life is lacking.

emailed me last week
because it bothers her
when i talk about my imperfections
on my blog.
which is all fine and dandy
but i know that she doesn't blog hop.
and she doesn't see
perfect life after perfect life
being cultivated and broadcast over the internet.
when i read those perfect life blogs,
i immediately compare my life to theirs.
and then i feel like my life is lacking.

but do you want to know something?
when i read what Ann has experienced
in her incredible 1,000 Gifts book
and her response to the life she has been given,
i was moved,
i was encouraged,
i was charged
to find those blessings in my life, too.
those blessing everywhere around me.
those blessings just perfect for me.
Ann was so relatable
because she proudly proclaimed her imperfections
and the trials that she has endured in this life.
because the truth is,
we are all imperfect.
for all have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God
Romans 3:23
my intent is not to be self-deprecating
but to reveal to all of you lovelies
that my life is not perfect and neither am i.
nor do i try to make it perfect
or make it look like it's perfect
(my husband is really good at
reminding me about that one).
B and i had some really
great, deep conversations
with some dear friends over the weekend
(which was a blessing in itself
because there were five children,
five and under demanding our attention).
one thing that we talked about was
recognizing God's blessings in our lives.
sometimes it's easy for me
to look at my life and see
after trial
after trial
instead of
after blessing
after blessing.
but just recently,
i have started to clearly see
the measureless blessings
that have been poured upon us.
and i am choosing to recognize them as
pure gifts from Jesus.
i am so undeserving of any of these gifts
but God has redeemed my life
from what it used to be.
as one of my favorite verses says:
I will repay you
for the years
the locusts have eaten
Joel 2:25
i will not let satan steal God's joy.
steal His perfect gifts.
i will only give credit to the Lord.
what would my life be like?
what would my walk be like?
if i recognized every gift as a blessing.
gifts only from God.
If you, LORD, kept a record of sins,
Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
But with you there is forgiveness,
so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
Psalm 130:3-4
and holy moly,
it's blowing my mind.
you really ought to visit each and every blog
of those brave women who linked up.
it was so hard to pick just one to feature
but here it is:
Kara's blog

really touched a nerve with me.
i, too have been humbled by the love of my children
when i have been oh-so undeserving of it.
just like the love of my Savior.
you really ought to visit each and every blog
of those brave women who linked up.
it was so hard to pick just one to feature
but here it is:
Kara's blog

really touched a nerve with me.
i, too have been humbled by the love of my children
when i have been oh-so undeserving of it.
just like the love of my Savior.
picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don't have it all together.
i will post a
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:
you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,
inspire and
other women
that none of us have it all together.
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged.
1341. berry shortcake
1342. fresh pineapple
1343. ice cream in a cone
1344. rich conversations
1345. hearing about where God is working in people's lives