we went on a hike.
as a family.
and you know what?
it was great.
it was actually really great.
B and i were both expecting
major meltdowns
by the bigs who hiked alongside us.
but they did marvelously.
really, they did.
and they made it a lot farther than we were expecting.
so that was a nice surprise.
we did have to distract them
from complaining a couple of times
with all the nature that surrounded us.
that was a nice change.
and of course, little L
was a trooper in the backpack.
the fog was just starting to burn off
as we made it to the top.
and how about that family photo!
definitely frameworthy.
i can't believe that everyone is looking at the camera.
and smiling?!
i must be dreaming.
on the way down,
K wouldn't stop running.
that girl is wild and crazy.
this little man smiled at each and every passerby.
we didn't see any mountain lions
or rattlesnakes so that was a major bonus.
we will definitely be doing this again.
You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
1296. doing things as a family
1297. being outside
1298. being covered in dust
1299. a tiny green leaf on my windshield
1300. making dinner for tomorrow, today