june is a big birthday month in our house.
three of us have birthdays this month.
since we already celebrated L with my family,
it was time for B and my celebrations!
we had a lovely dinner out
(well, as lovely as dinner
(well, as lovely as dinner
in a restaurant is with three children)
and then dessert
(ice cream cake... my favorite)
back at our place.
it was lovely.
and we felt very, very celebrated.
and we even got a photo together.
how about that.
I am with you and will watch over you
wherever you go,
and I will bring you back to this land.
I will not leave you until I have done
what I have promised you.
Genesis 28:15

1246. big kids who want to help
1247. registering D for kindy!
1248. a photo with my guy
1249. exciting opportunities for my mother-in-law
1250. picnics