we had an unexpected knock on our door this morning.
it was a special surprise.
it was the most wonderful surprise.
a valentine balloon,
a box of donuts
an entire bag filled with encouraging notes.
one for each day until the end of hibernation.
you girls are incredible.
i almost went into the ugly cry.
apple cider and a donut.
how could a day go wrong when it starts with this?
D and i had a few train races.
surprise, surprise, he won.
maybe that was because he shoved my train
completely off the track.
L finds solids mildly amusing. except for sweet potatoes, as i noted yesterday. is it horrible to give in to his demands and give him excessive amounts of sweet potatoes? i only wish D and K liked any vegetable as much as this.
the sky was unbelievable tonight.
i toyed with not going outside to capture the sights i saw.
but, i'm so glad i did because merely moments afterward, the beautiful lights on the clouds were gone.
completely gone.
it was a special surprise.
it was the most wonderful surprise.
a box of donuts
an entire bag filled with encouraging notes.
one for each day until the end of hibernation.
you girls are incredible.
i almost went into the ugly cry.
how could a day go wrong when it starts with this?
surprise, surprise, he won.
maybe that was because he shoved my train
completely off the track.
L finds solids mildly amusing. except for sweet potatoes, as i noted yesterday. is it horrible to give in to his demands and give him excessive amounts of sweet potatoes? i only wish D and K liked any vegetable as much as this.
i toyed with not going outside to capture the sights i saw.
but, i'm so glad i did because merely moments afterward, the beautiful lights on the clouds were gone.
completely gone.